Openframeworks experiments
A 3-piece collection of design and interaction experiments built with Openframeworks (C++).
A Narrative
This is an animation of Bärbel Haas's Zehn kleine Igelkinder (10 Little Hedgehogs).
I turned out to record the BGM myself 🎶
It is a sweet reminder of my first few paces in learning German by reading some cute children books. I hope it could create some nostalgia for German speakers
A Visualization
This is a real-time wind visualization using data from DarkSky API.
I used donut-shaped particle representation of wind speed, gust and bearing of New York, Ann Arbor, San Diego and Nantong, the four cities I am living/have lived in.
Note: The relative position matches the real geographical coordinates.
A Game
Beats games are all over the place.
Here is a more difficult one can be disigned using FFT.
Instructions: Hit space bar when the orange circle is close enought to the current frequency (the dark blue circle) coming out from the center. You will get a point if close enough.
Watch on Vimeo: